Indian bridal make-up

Bridal make-up is one of the most complex art and undoubtedly one of the most significant elements to complete the look of bride. bridal make-up is considered important otherwise most of the brides would complain later of looking like an over worked goddess on their wedding day if the makeup is not done properly. Regrettably, their most special day would turn out to be a nightmare. one should take the help of experienced make up artists for getting their make up done. Unknowingly, at times the camera often catches critical glitters and paleness but this can be very effortlessly avoided with proper planning. The bride should prepare her make up style well in advance with the suggestion of an experienced makeup artist or beautician. The bride can start out with the planning by keeping in mind that the wedding makeup must compliment her wedding dress as well as her personality.

Each and every bride dream of her wedding day and wish to look the best on the day. No doubt that bridal make up is an important part of bridal dressing. Along with the shinning jewellery and an elegant wedding dress the make up is also very crucial. If the make up is done appropriately, it can mar the overall look of the bride.

Make up Ideas before wedding day

Firstly, it is very essential to find out the right kind of make up that would suit and compliment the brides style and skin tone. Some of the basic ideas for a bride that she can follow before the arrival of her special big day are as follows-

  • The bride should go for a hair, skin and nail care regimen at around four weeks before the big day.

  • Going for regular facials and manicures is also very important. Moreover, the would be bride can take the suggestion from the beautician about the beauty products that suits her skin type.

  • The bride should try and avoid going out in the sun as much as possible. if she has to go out for work, she must use a good quality sun-block.

  • For those who are working ladies, they should go for a relaxing massage once in a week. If possible, she must try to attend at least one aromatherapy session before her wedding day.

Make Up ideas for wedding day

First and foremost, one should try to synchronize the make up with the wedding outfit and wedding jewellery.

  • If one opts for heavy bridal jewellery, the make should be kept to minimal and light.

  • Bridal make-up also varies and depends on the time of the wedding. For example for the evening occasions, one should go for heavy make up looks.

  • It is said that bridal make-up should be heavy but it should not be heavier or kind of dramatic otherwise it will one look like a doll.

  • Use some heavy-pigmented foundations after that it should be layered with powdered foundations. It will help in making the skin look smoother. Don't forget to apply powder foundation on the neck. A concealer will help in blend for very well.

  • If the bride has a combination skin then water based foundation can be used.

  • concealer should be used for hiding under eye circles. One must remember that the eye make-up should be balanced with the lip make up.

  • Select a lip-liner that is of the same shade as of the lipstick.

  • Further, one must apply a translucent powder as it prevents in too much shine of the face.

 These are some of the basic make up tips for the wedding day. The make-up should be done in such a way that it compliments the attire of the bride.


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